Saturday, March 14, 2009

And so it Begins..

Sometimes you just can't keep away from certain habits, likings, places (are just to name a few). You find yourself saying something like "Yup, I'm done with something like this.." or "This will be my last.." I'm sure most of us go through something or somewhat similar situations as we move with the future.

About two years ago or more, I told myself that I would stop blogging. I loved and hated blogging. I tend to bi**h so much when I'm blogging, it not only gets me down but anyone whom was reading my blog. Only then I'd realize that I'm not meant for blogging. My pent up feelings always seem to somehow find their way to my blog instead of my personal journal. And that was not good for me or anyone for that matter.

But then again, that was few years ago. I'm gonna have to start changing the way i blog this time around. It's my new goal that I've put into my list of to do. Yeap, you'd think that I would have much better to do list then trying to changed the way i blog about stuff. I can be a very confused person at times.

Heck, I don't care for the moment or what you have to think on my blogging. It is supposed to be personalized, no? What's the point of calling something your own when you start to cater to the demands and likings of people? Is that people pleasing or "listening to what the people have to say?"

Well, we'll find out more on that as we move on to future posts. I should get going and stop here before i blab about things that are not related to my title (which i tend to do often).

So, adios people!

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