It was a night out for the CTWorks staff, new and old; full time or part time. It didn't matter if some of us knew each other before or not. The idea was to get us together and have a good time. The plan was to meet Mid Valley GSC as a meeting point about 7 something pm. Once all has gathered, we moved towards Oasis for dinner. It's a food court concept and it was near the IT center of Mid Valley. The food variety was good and pricing was reasonable as well. Expected it to be a little pricey so gotta count your blessings and be happy that it turned out reasonable. We were the nosiest and I mean it. You could poetically hear the 11 of us laughing and trying to talk to each other, seeing as some of us would be sitting far apart. It was a nice feeling to me, sitting there and watching the rest mingle. Talking about the old and new things in their daily life. What Piaree had said before is true, it is not easy to find people that you can work and get along with as well as them. Something to appreciate and not take granted, that's for sure. Here's some snappy of us at dinner. Hehe.
First half of the table (from left to right)
Vijay, Piaree, Hooi (sorry if I didn't spell your name right! =p), Ender, Hazel and Anna
The balance half of the table (from left to right)
Meself =), Rae, Jeff Goh, Kafai and Barney

Vijay, Piaree, Hooi (sorry if I didn't spell your name right! =p), Ender, Hazel and Anna

Meself =), Rae, Jeff Goh, Kafai and Barney
With time left to spare before the movie, (it starts at 9.45pm) we walked around aimlessly. As our aimless walk continues, we bumped in Jeff Yong and his friends. They were there for a movie as well titled Knowing. After a brief chit chat we walked around again till we reached the cinema area again. Oh by the way, we got separated as it turns out. Hehe. So Rae, Goh and me were waiting for the rest to get back to GSC. Once they arrived, we meet up with Nadia and John (they came a little later). Now that everyone is gathered, off we go for the movie! Before that as usual, snappy of us all together (too bad John ain't in any of the pics..)
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